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Priority Issues to be Tackled by FUJITRANS

  • Environment
    Achievement of a low-carbon society by CO2 reductionReduce CO2 emissions from business sites and cargo handling equipment by 25% from FY2019 levels by 2030.
  • Society
    Creating an employee-friendly workplaceObtain certification as a Corporation With Excellent Health Management by 2030.
  • Economy
    Reduce resource usage to protect the environment and cut costs.Decrease the quantity of paper forms and other printed materials by 25% by 2030 compared to FY2019.

Reforestation project

To protect the environment and biodiversity, we own Fujip Forest, a forest of approximately 177 hectares (about 36 times the size of Nagoya Dome) in Kyowa-cho, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido. Every year, new employees participate in tree-planting activities to learn about the importance of the natural environment. In 2022, we obtained the Sustainable Green Ecosystem Council (SGEC) certification, an international forest certification system, for our sustainable forest.
For details, see CSR Report/Sustainability Report

Fujip Forest of FUJITRANS Group, Kyowa-cho
  • Location:Kyowa-cho, Iwanai-gun, Hokkaido
  • Publicly registered area:1,774,860m2(about 36 times the size of Nagoya Dome)
  • Condition:Mountain forest
Collective photograph of new employees of FUJITRANS Group
Sign indicating Fujip Forest